This is the album I discovered krautrock with, just before ASH RA TEMPEL's "Seven Up", AMON DÜÜL 2's "Yeti" and AGITATION FREE's "Malesh" - what an initiation...
I confess it was a real shock, it's a fabulous album that contains fascinating and beautiful "songs", with apocalyptic lyrics I love. Listen to the mystical "Sarah", repeating endlessly : "Is it you Sarah? / No, it's the stoooorm". Aaarrggghh, fabulous, listen to that voice!!! Don't be afraid of the repetitiveness that appears first, it really sounds hypnotic when you pay attention to it.
But The Crack in the Comisc Egg book explains it better than me : "Notable for being produced by Klaus Schulze, and also the unique creation of combining cosmic synthesizer, folk and rock musics, sans drums or any conventional instrumental structures, GOLEM is a mystical album rich with the creative spirit of the era. A little hint of Pink Floyd here and there, and obvious Schulze influence, are the only references I could quote as pointers. A really trippy album, with swirling string-synthesizers, cosmic electronics, beyond the nether regions of cosmic Witthüser+Westrupp. Magic!"
Here you'll find the entire original album, and there the demos album (with 2 long and rather borring tracks, but the version of "Sarah" is better than the album's, and and there's this magic "Desert Storm"), I consciously don't share the whole CD re-issued by NURSE WITH WOUND and CURRENT93 (thanks!), that contains more bonus material, some of which is pretty good. It's really worth buying it if you like it.
Pour les copains français, j'ajoute qu'il faut ABSOLUMENT charger cet album, à l'ambiance de désert brulant, dont au moins 3 titres sont définitivement magiques, à l'écoute desquels on sort transformé : Helicopter, Sarah et Desert Storm. Pas le plus facile sans doute, mais meilleur kraut "de tous les temps".
8 commentaires:
Ceci manquait à ma culture musicale, qui est pourtant loin d'être nulle. Merci de me l'avoir fait découvrir. Les albums par lesquels je suis entré dans le bain du krautrok furent la B.O. d'Aguirre de Popol Vuh et les premiers albums de Klaus Shulze.
Par contre, le fichier du morceau "Desert storm" est corrompu.
Effectivement Desert Storm ne passe pas...
Le reste est impecc...
Je n'oublie pas de te contacter concernant P Kit
À bientôt
Wow, thank you for the Sand post! Thanks for the love and care you put in to expose great music in the blogosphere.
Don't know what all these guys here talking about - at least the file Ultrasonic2.zip is corrupt.
Track 01 ist complete missing, Track 02 is corrupt. Seems that it was cut off after about 100 MB (is this the limit of the hoster ??)
Have tried it three times - always the same result. Could you reup the missing tracks, please ??
tres bon blog. Merci pour tout. J'ai decouvert pour ma part le kraut et CAN avec la compil "opener". La bien nomee. Je me suis souvent dis que je devrais la re-creer, a partir de ces 3 albums fondamentaux de Can, pour initier les autres. Un peu comme t'as fait avec les compil kraut, mais pour can seulement. -Ph
Hello i just found your blog-good
Thanks for the sand Album
Pour les copains français, j'ajoute qu'il faut ABSOLUMENT charger cet album, à l'ambiance de désert brulant, dont au moins 3 titres sont définitivement magiques, à l'écoute desquels on sort transformé : Helicopter, Sarah et Desert Storm. Pas le plus facile sans doute, mais meilleur kraut "de tous les temps".
message reçu tonton!!! surtout ne lache pas !
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