For collectors more than for difficult and minimalist electronic lovers, here are the 12 EP CDs (one per month) released by Raster-Noton in 1999 to celebrate the new century / millenium that was to come at the end of the year. Maybe you have some of them, maybe none, in any case it's interesting for those who love Pan SOnic / Ikeda / Pole etc...
Just one comment about this series : in my opinion some artists are really lazy here; if PanSonic Vainio and Vaisanen (Vaisanen first!) make a great job with very interesting vintage electronics, what about Ikeda with his 440Hz sine wave (divided in 99 tracks - against MP3..?), or the rather mediocre performances by Byetone, Noto or Komet. Brinkmann, COH, Senking and somehow Scanner tracks are ok.
Download this 12 CDs series in 4 parts (click on link) :
Komet / Ilpo Vaisanen / Ryoji Ikeda (Jan / Feb / Mar)
COH / Byetone / Senking (Apr / May / Jun)
Ester Brinkmann / Scanner / Noto (Jul / Aug / Sep)
Mika Vainio / Wolfgang Voigt / ELph (Oct / Noc / Dec)
Thanks for your attention.
19 commentaires:
I bought a couple of these when they came out (Elph and COH)but never heard the complete set before now. So, thanks for this share. One problem though, the link to the Brinkmann, etc. is pointing to the COH, etc. group.
ouch... but are the 4 links pointing to 4 different files?? I'll try to fix the problem when I have time.
No. The link to the Brinkmann, etc. is pointing to the same file (COH, etc. group).
ben mon cochon... tu as même chopé le coil... merci pour ce cadeau, en tous cas.
great stuff. i would love to see more "difficult" ;) eleconic music here. Thanks a lot man for sharing these things with the rest of us.
oui, le lien du 3ème trimestre mène malheureusement au 2ème..
en tout cas, merci Tonton pour ces nouvelles perles rares.
une demande spéciale pour un re-up du concert au Pop'in de Ben's Symphonic Orchestra (le + beau trésor caché de ton blog ?).
I try to fix the wrong link today.
Mon ami, pour Ben tu seras bien le seul à l'avoir noté. Il y a eu quoi... 10 téléchargements? J'hésite à mettre son 2è album en ligne, tout le monde devrait l'acheter, c'est LE trésor pop de ces dernières années. Mais je crois qu'il n'en a pas vendu 1000...
It seems that all the links are different no? It's true that 2 of them have the same name (made a mistake), but with different numbers - it's probably 2 different files. Who can tell?
it is the same file...
Having downloaded them both i can attest to their being the same file. The numerical difference is but an assignation from rapidshare. I am grateful for any parts of this series, having not heard them before. a great many thanks!
Raison de plus pour un re-up du concert au Pop'In ! Pour ma part, Miss you sur Drifting figure en bonne place dans mon panthéon des plus belles chansons pop.
je suis fan aussi de tes covers ; une suite aux 2 premiers volumes ?
Y'a du re-up dans l'air : Ben, Turzi (qui n'a jamais marché semble-t-il), peut-être d'autres live de ma "1ère période".
Pour les covers, ton intérêt fait plaisir, j'ai vraiment eu l'impression que ça n'intéressait personne. Moi, l'exercice me passionne, j'ai 6 compil prête, mais ça demande pas mal de boulot juste pour les ordonner dans iTunes (bah oui). ça viendra. Kraut for Beginners vol 5 et 6 aussi. Fixons fin juin comme objectif pour tout ça.
Much appreciated.
Though I agree whole heartedly with your comments about series it still makes a nice listen in it's full presentation (the whole perhaps being greater than the parts here?). Perhaps the concept drove the artists to make a certain kind of musical 'quip' from their own individualized standings at the centuries end (as opposed to larger comnpositional considerations). A particular snapshot of mental focus more than any 'artistic staement' as might be found in a release 'proper'.
Either way, a most welcome share, thank you ;-)
Thank you very much for this! This is a great blog. Thanks also for the Fennesz/Tim.Hecker live recording.
Thx searched for a long time for these collection
Merci beaucoup !!!!
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