2 CD, un "classique", qui résume bien la discographie de MAIN, projet "ambiant" de Robert Hampson après son groupe de Drone Rock LOOP. Au menu de ce qui me semble être une comilation de maxi : guitare traitée et brillamment texturée, ambiances plutôt dark mais raffinées, des moments sublimes, des bribes mélodiques à la basse sur certaines séquences, et le tout est assez varié, ce qui n'est pas mmonnaie courante dans le genre. De mon point de vue, il y a là ce qu'il a fait de mieux en "ambiant guitare", genre dans lequel on est tenté de mettre les récents SUNN O))); le début de l'album est magistral, ça devrait faciliter la tentative. Pour les plus fans, la série des "Firmaments" (4 albums) est aussi très conseillée - mais c'est un poil en dessous parce que plus (trop) constant.
CD1 : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RD8LRFPX
CD2 : http://rapidshare.com/files/12333573/Hz_CD2.zip.html
8 commentaires:
Muito obrigado!
Thanks you very much!
Do you need anything of these by Main?
Dry stone feed
Firmament 2
Firmament 3
Firmament 4
Motion Pool
Thnaks for the proposal! I don't have Motion Pool, nor Transciency, so why not for those ones.
Do you need Ligature (Remixes) and the later Tau?
I will upload trnascinecy tonigh!
Yes I do need ligature, but also,
I just can´t download disk one on megaupload.I would be very hard to you upload it on anohter uploading website?
No problem if you can´t but, it would be great!
I will post the link to "Transciency" on my next commentary.Motion Pool is no its way!
No need to reupload.I could do it on megaupload!
Uploading motion pool right now...
Here is the link to Motion Pool:
I wasn´t aware of "Tau".It would be great to have it also.
I will upload "transciency" today.
Un disco sin dudas muy bueno, las texturas sonoras son muy bien logradas.
Agradecido de poder encontrarlo de nuevo.
Do you have any of the Firmament releases or Dry Stone Feed?
These guys were tremendous.
Robert Hampson has a new album free for downloading called Maps"
Hey, is there any way to convince you to re-upload this album? Especially @ 192? I've been looking forever from something by Main, and you seem to be the only one who has them. Anyway, thanks.
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