Upon request #2
What can I say? I have no explanation for the reputation of these albums except that they follow the NEU albums.
In my opinion, whereas NEU4 had probably some qualities, the official albums released by Klaus Dingerunder the name LA DUSSELDORF after Michael Rother had left certainly didn't contain the same charisma and mystery as the NEU material. Instead, you hear some kind of pre-new wave music, very basically produced (in comparison NEU sounded almost deep), with voices that I often find ridiculous.
But these days I don't have time to find more interesting things to share, so ok for answering the request. Nevertheless, honestly I prefer by far the albums released by ROTHER under his own name - maybe for a later post.
3 albums :
"La Dusseldorf" is here.
"Viva" and "Individuellos" are there.
21 commentaires:
thats a shame cause i really enjoy these albums, almost as much as neu!, they are really great for working!
thanks for individuellos, didn't have that one
Je ne serais pas aussi catégorique mais moi aussi, je préfère les albums solos de Rother, et le truc rigolo c'est que là, tout de suite, je suis en train de faire un cd-compile de tout çà (Cluster, Harmonia, Neu!, La Düsseldorf, Michael Rother, Kraftwerk) pour mes amis (vous souvenez-vous de l'époque des cassettes ?), je fais une pause, je vais sur le net et je tombe sur ces post, c'est rigolo...
Excellent. You could post La! Neu? albums
I'm not sure if you have seen the requests for the After Dinner re-upload. The link is dead and there are few of us who would really appreciate a re-up. Thanks in advance!!!
After Dinner : ok, i'll make it.
La Neu : one album only, i'll make it too!
le premier album "viva" est une de mes albums préférés des 70's, j'apprécie son côté ludique et presque improvisé (je pense aux chants spécialement) qui leur donne une énergie et une touche d'humour certaine, choses qu'on trouve peu dans le rock européen de l'époque avant l'arrivée des punks.
pour moi c'est un chef d'ouvre ni+ ni-!
The Rother albums ARE the best!
Rauf und runter!
What!! These albums are pretty good!! I even prefer these ones than Neu!
Porn? I have seen the blogmaster in a gay gangbang movie the other day, he was high on pills and was taking cock in every hole, that horny gayass cocksucker son of a bitch.
The author of this blog is dumbass motherfucker, he is a faggyass pillpopping maniac.
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