Upon request #1
About when the album has been recorded, I'm not sure. Maybe between 1982 and 1986, after the LA DUSSELDORF episode.
Though far less interesting than the previous official recordings NEU, DIE2 and NEU75, NEU4 has its moments. But it's mainly for its historical interest that you'll download it.
here it is.
9 commentaires:
à la première écoute je me suis pris à penser comme toi, ensuite je suis retombé dessus grâce au random player d'itunes et j'ai été plus qu'agréablement surpris.. écoutez (et dansez) sur Daenzing, c'est de la disco insolante, en retard sur son temps mais délicieusement arrogante et surtout elle ne doit rien à personne tout comme les précédents disque de Michaël et Klaus.
PS : Bienvenue à Renata.
Thanks Tonton but at only 96 kbps this is useless.
Neu!4 was recorded in 1986 for anyone interested. It has recently been given a new recording treatment via Michael Rother as part of the Neu! Box Set and it sounds wonderful, most definitely replaces the original Captain Trip release as the definitive Neu!4 recording...
....I know many Neu! fans who hate this album but personally it's one of my favourites, but I am just kinda perverse like that.
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