En lisant le blog de Joseph Ghosn, ces derniers temps on trouve un lien YouTube pour écouter un titre de de "Space Hymns". ça m'a immédiatement rappelé que j'avais eu un bon flash en découvrant l'album un peu au hasard, suite au téléchargement sur un blog psyché. Certainement pas parfait, l'album détonne plutôt au milieu du psyché anglais plutôt convenu et souvent trop prog à mon goût (pour ce que j'en connais), et ne dépareillerait parmi les bons albums kraut qu'on aime ici (Amon Düül 2 ou Brainticket surtout).
Bref, on va se passer dans commentaire in english et se contenter des notes de RateYourMusic, qui sont du genre à forger une micro légende qui n'est pas pour nous déplaire...
From www.rateyourmusic.com :
"Ramases (born Martin Raphael, sometime in the 1930s) was a central heating salesman until he was allegedly visited by the spirit of the Egyptian pharoah Ramses, who apparently informed Raphael that he was the reincarnation of Ramases and gave him the cosmic secret of the universe. Martin promptly changed his name to Ramases, and with his wife Dorothy, who renamed herself Selket, he began writing songs and working toward a record contract in order to spread his cosmic message. He got one with noted progressive rock record company Vertigo in 1970 and recorded Space Hymns in Strawberry Studios in England. Strawberry Studios was run by a group of musicians who would later become 10cc, and in essence 10cc provides the music on Space Hymns, although Ramases' album sounds absolutely nothing like 10cc. Ramases' music could best be described as a kind of spiritual, psychedelic space-folk with references to his own mythological beliefs. In spite of an impressive cover by Roger Dean, Space Hymns did not sell well. Ramases resurfaced in 1975 with the far more folkish Glass Top Coffin. He and Selket then dropped out of the music business, and Ramses moved to Felixstowe to care for his aging mother. He then dropped completely from sight. Sadly, he was reported to have died by his own hand sometime in the early 1990's."
Find this curiosity here.
24 commentaires:
what an incredible album cover!
So...this is what 10cc did before they became............10cc?...very unusual album but very interesting..thanks for the share
Good album, but not the masterpice that 70´sheads say... A mix of folk, eletronic and bites of souls and hippie felling,but somewaht ' crazy',without direction.
Huge thanks for sharing this! As an aficionado of all things musical with space/alien/ufo themes, this has been on my imaginary shopping list for a while...such a shame there is so little information about 'Ramases' either in the ufological community or in the UK prog scene, its as though he slid down the cracks between the two cultural fields.
Its kinda sad as well that there is a rumour that he commited suicide but no hard information....if I find anything out I will come back and post what I find.
Huge kudos to ya for sharing this, only just discovered your blog but what a start!
I think Glass Top Coffin is the real masterpiece. Probably in my top 3 of all time.
Thanks for the great music!
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I agree about Glass Top Coffin--better than this one by a hair. Reviewed this album on my blog.
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