One of the best albums DAVID SHEA made in my opinion. It's the typical "electronic soundscapes" SHEA, SCANNER and some others were producing between 1995 and 2000. Honestly, I have not kept on buying them, the best things seemed to have been produced in their early years, but I may be wrong.
For those who don't know him, it's an "electronic journey", with collage and sounds produced from various sources, from ethnic / fields recordings to basic electronica. This one is probably the most ambient album he produced. It can be compared to a score for an imaginary film.
Try it here (ripped at 192kbps).
7 commentaires:
great record. when i got i've been listening to it for many months, always hearing new things. it's probably shea's most accessible, one endless stream - an acoustic movie, like you said. his debut 'shock corridor' had a tighter collage concept, very much reminding me of zorn's mid 80's cinemascopic works like spillane and godard. i followed shea till the end 90's, then lost track somehow.
thanks for pulling this out of yr hat.
If you have more, I would love to hear whatever you feel like sharing.
Thanks from me too.
mmm... He has made a "Mort Aux Vaches" too...
Décidement, tu nous gâte, je garde l'adresse et je repasserai de temps en temps... continue à nous faire découvrir. Merci TonTon.
i have a bunch of shea's early works, including the 'mort aux vaches' session - if it fits into the concept, i might post it on my blog.
YES, please post the MORT AUX VACHES, I've only an MD recorded from a tape recorded from the CD.
I will post SATYRICON and probably not another one.
mahood - that's a deal!! i mean: i've been looking for 'satyricon' for AGES, but never found it. this is like a wonderful ping-pong game - you post something i like, and vice versa! :D
see you soon!
Tonton, Massmirror m'a l'air en vrac. As-tu la possibilité de reposter cet alléchant ouvrage sur un autre site ?
Merci d'avance !
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