Curiously not far from the TAZARTES' style, posted sooner, NURSE WITH WOUND's Steve Stapleton and SOL INVICTUS' / ex DEATH IN JUNE Tony Wakeford in their only collaboration. Actually, the album sounds much more like NWW's albums than SI' - an easy version of NWW. For this reason, it's not only a really good ambient / industrial and quite melodic album, but also a very good entry to those who don't know NWW's world or find it "cold" and hard.
I'm not sure it's been re-released since 1993. Find it here (at 192kbps).
3 commentaires:
This is one of the very few NWW releases I was never able to track down, so I'm happy to finally hear it. Thanks a bunch!
Revenge Of The Selfish Shellfish.
I had this one many years ago and have not been able to find it since without a huge asking price.
Thank you very much and no, this has not yet been reprinted.
'viens d'être réédité cet automne chez Robot Records, pour info !
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