A krautrock classic, in the improvised space jazz vein with bands such as EMBRYO, XHOL etc... Side B consists in one long track that could have been more interesting; but the A-side contains one of my favourite tracks, the 2nd one. It's a moving floating improvisation on minor chords that i can hear for hours, not far from the spaciest and most moving tunes played by the early ASH RA TEMPEL you've found sooner on this blog. It's instrumental only, as elegant as CAN's recordings and better in my opinion.
ANNEXUS QUAM has recorded one second album only, that sounds more conventional as a whole but that contains an incredible mantra based on acoustic guitar and saxophone; it may be part of my TOP50 selection.
Speaking of this, I may go further than 50 albums. We'll see...
Find "Osmose" here (192kbps).
8 commentaires:
Is there something wrong with track one? The first 30 some seconds sounds like a digital error.
you've got some great taste. thanks for all the nww list stuff.
Track 1 is f***ed up, can you re-up please 'cos it's a great album.
Just dropped in to say how much I appreciate your krautrock feature here. Thanks.
A link : http://musique.fluctuat.net/blog/tag-culte-et-bizarre.html
(in french)
> Back with an internet connexion I had lost, I repost "Osmose" in the next days. Sorry for the problem...
> "Géants du bizarre" : extra!!
i have loved all yr posts, thankewe evah so much...
wow! amazing album! thanks for sharing this album with us broke Krautrock fans!
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