Mmmh... could almost be in a "guilty pleasures" collection too maybe, it's sometimes cheesy and quite patchy, sometimes tragic , maybe bombastic in the singing...
This second and last album the band recorded has absolutely nothing in common with their first "free electric sound", you'll notice it's not electric nor free at all! If you're familiar with POPOL VUH's second period, "Bury..." is not far from it. It's not surprising, since it's been recorded with exactly the same band : P.V's leader had joigned GILA for this album, after GILA's Conny Veidt had joingned P.V for several albums; and they shared the same guitar player!. What is different is the way the album is composed, it's brilliant in my opinion. Some tracks like the epic "The Buffalo Are Coming" are richly textures, there are plenty of instruments / tracks, and it can be heard many times before you appreciate it completly. Sorry, I realize I don't have the words in english to describe the music, it's a kind of world-pop-folk, sung with enthousiasm and gravity in the same time.
So : at first glance, a deception for those who like their first album; but listen to it carefully, it's full of surprises.
Try it here.
7 commentaires:
A favorite of mine, probably more pleasurable to psych/folk fans than krautrock fans, but excellent nonetheless!
Thank you very much. Please let´s get it on.
Ton anthologie du krautrock est très appréciable et je t'encourage à la continuer. Je ne connaissais que Can, Amon Duul et Ash Ra Tempel et, là, je découvre d'autres horizons.
Merci de ce partage.
merci merci merci merci pour ce blog, quel pied de pouvoir decouvrir tout ces sons. J'etais deja fan des evidents kraftwerk-can-neu-faust, je m'attendais pas a tout le reste. bcp, bcp de pepites. STP continue comme ca, tu rend la vie de bcp d'entre nous + facile. Et bravo pour tes commentaires, avec des descriptions plus qu'utile sur ce qu'on va entendre...
et par contre ca deviens dificile de trouver du temps pour dormir.... Ah quand un bar/une boite avec ce genre de sons et des gens cool, a Paris?
Another outstanding new album for me! This Krautrock project is very much appreciated here in Seattle!
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