Another gift from our mysterious french friend, I had no time to listen to it yet. It's the 12th Mort aux Vaches you can download here. If any contributors want to add any other session he can...
For the french :
"Avant de s'appeler Styrofoam et de signer des albums chez Morr (d'abord plutôt bons, ensuite plutôt moins pour cause de virage pop moyennement négocié amha), Arne Van Petegen avançait sous le pseudo de Tin Foil Star. Suivant l'humeur, on sera séduit par ses dérives lunaires monochromes ou alors on trouvera ça un poil chiant. Quoi qu'il en soit, cette session contient une reprise inattendue de Nick Drake."
Download it here.
5 commentaires:
hi, just to tell you I found your work here amazing... so after a few grails downloaded, i decided to open my own blog, just to spread the work... i'd be grateful if you check http://silentnoisecontrol.blogspot.com and even more so if you link me...
anyway, cheers...
Holy moly...I was offline for a few and come back to a 'Mort-orama"! Excellent, can't wait to check these out. I will also compile what I have and watch for any missing artists. I think you probably have all the ones I do but you never know (I have a Don Joyce from Negativeland for one).
Anyway, thanks for responding to do this project, I think there will be some great discoveries/rediscoveries ;-)
From what I can find searching your blog here is I have that I don't see yet:
-Don Joyce
-Ryoji Ikeda
Is that correct? If so, give me a day or so as I am moving a couple of Terabytes around this weekend ;-)
I left my comment as a question but have not interpeted a response whether these (the above listed) were wanted? Let me know here if you would like these posted/added to your project ;-)
Sorry Loopy C, a lot of work these times.
Yes of course we're interested! I have the Ikeda somewhere but I may have lost it, I've never heard the 3 others. Would you upload them?
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