Before I go further, a question if you don't mind : what do you expect from this blog?
From the beginning, I've posted more and more krautrock, but I'm not sure it's my job to do that - "Out of Focus" and "Krauteam" know much more than me about kraut. So... I'm not sure this blog is still usefull, as my electronic, drone and other genre's posts don't seem to interest you much...
Please tell me before I go on... or stop!
34 commentaires:
hello ...
i just discover your blog today with a Fennesz link from Google ...
never come to my ears before
i appreciate a lot krautrock and visit Krauteam and that's true there's a lot of things there ...
i understand you ask you the question of the opportunity to continue
but YOUR blog is different (like all blog is different of other one) : here you put your reviews, and the covers (i appreciate that ! Krauteam just beggin to do it)
For my part, i'm also interresting on "electronic, drone and other genre" ( visit us on http://faunigena.blogspot.com/ and http://faunigena.forumsland.com/faunigena or join us if you want ;-)
i know, because i do, it takes a long time to make and moderate a forum or a blog ... so it's your choise, but wait for the answers !
now i have the link, i will visit you now ... and i'll see
see you soon Mahood, here or on Fauni's planet ...
Many blogglers find themselves asking the same question.
We, the readers normally visit your blog because the music you post is superb, no matter the style, some like kraut, some electro .. we want you as well, so just don't give up, time will make you better known and surely comments will appear now and them.
I've read the same sentimets in several blogs, in the end you are really meaningful for plenty of others.
Pour ma part, tout m'intéresse pourvu que je ne connaisse pas. J'ai été contente de trouver Bästard, des live et tout ça (et puis tu as mis Coil, mon groupe fétiche alors...). Donc c'est avec plaisir que je visite régulièrement ton blog, quoique tu postes. Bonne continuation. n.
Your blog is great!
Just amazing,good rips with covers!
Please continues with Krautrock,Zeuhl,Symphonic etc!
And your reviews?Just fantastic!!!!
You put the essential discographies from each band-superb!
Let's go!One of best blogs of Kraut!
Pedro from Portugal.
Thanks for everything that you do ;-)
Your blog is pretty good, you had made a good job posting that music.
I like kraut, electronic, and other stuff, but if you question me what type of music I like more, I say that sinfo-prog only from 70´s. I have several albums but I know that have many hidden gems.
If you post something of that stuff, I really be happy.
Good by and good job.
If you have nothing more to say, spare your time and stop it.
It's true - much more stuff with a better quality of bitrates and knowledge of Krautrock can be found at least at four or five other places at blogspot.com.
Why not proceeding with producing own collections of various stuff as you do in the beginning. This was quite interesting stuff ...
Be creative mate..... still include all that crazy kraut rock and prog along with drone and electronic... but please don't make the mistake of going into new-wave 80's territory.... that's were it all goes downhill..imo..!
I always like to check out your blog as it usually has something of interest I haven't heard...and I've heard a fair bit... and you're always good for the toe dipper as well...
Be creative mate..... still include all that crazy kraut rock and prog along with drone and electronic... but please don't make the mistake of going into new-wave 80's territory.... that's were it all goes downhill..imo..!
I always like to check out your blog as it usually has something of interest I haven't heard...and I've heard a fair bit... and you're always good for the toe dipper as well...
Please keep up the kraut and drone manhood! It is very appreciated. What you post is definitely not in any kind of abundance what so ever in blogland. Those deuter albums aum and the other from the same period really highlight some very interesting music that I hadn’t discovered. I enjoy the minimalism aspects of the genre.
Thanks again for the Amon duul 2. You even posted albums which you thought were the least likeable ones which I actually like a lot. In blogland you usually see the yeti and tanz posted but never made in germany and hijack. And certainly never utopia! Laughs here! I really dig that record!
I’ll bet there aren’t many bowie listeners here and that is just fine. It is interesting though that he gets called a genius of our time when you can hear he’s listened to plenty of amon duul 2.
If you’re defining Yes as a prog meter then I’d say definitely less of those although they are the best of the lot especially the first album.
This isn’t my blog but you’ll find lots of a good prog band(as they are labeled) named renaissance.
Do a search of the blog and find renaissance “Live at Carnegie Hall.” If you haven’t heard this
Band yet I’d say it is well worth listening to. There are many long epic songs and the singer Annie haslam has one of the best voices ever. She brings so much female energy and female beauty to the music which is quite refreshing and addictive(I have to admit)!
Thanks manhood!
I have discovered your blog since some days now and I find it very nice. The comments and the music are really good. Answering to your question I would say that you should continue with all kinds of good music. In this way you give the opportunity to people who like only one kind of music, to explore other interesting styles. The words: Kraut, Zeuhl, electronica are only descriptive. They do not attend to put borders. There are no borders. Each kind of music brings new interesting things. We should not put ourselves in descriptions! Just listen and feel!!
I like your blog. I like your attention. But, some times link is not working as Dzyan album(I got download in other blog). You did not answer why Gaa album have noises? Is it vinyl?
Go on...
Thank you.
hey roderick,
GAA is an "official CD" released by OHRWASCHL, and indeed it seems to be an LP rip (like SAND's Golem). It's explained in German on it the liner notes, so I cannot understand...
Thanks to you all for you usefull comments! It helps to make me continue!
more electronica please, how about some of the electronic/jazz crossover stuff like Polar Bear, the Blue Series, f-ire collective etc...
this stuff seems to be under-represented on the blogs & there is some amazing gear out there. i love yr blog & this would put you ahead even more ( in my humble opininon!). & thx for the 20 to 2000 - it is a great series, esp. the ELpH/COIL disc.
Hi, I'm a frequent visitor to your blog because you post "the good stuff". I will follow you wherever you take it. I don't like, or even download half of the stuff you post, but that's not the point. Your blog is obviously great. I think that's the whole point of blogging, It's YOUR forum. Just keep on telling the world what you like. You are a great blogger.
Chris, ok for an electronica orientation... but I've listened to electronica only between 1997 and 2002... I may not have rare things at all... Well, we'll see.
Cosmos, you could'nt say more encouraging words. Thanks.
Go ON with Kratut, prog, electronics and whaterver you like. Some of the Kraut you posted were not available elsewhere, you even post things you do not not appreciate in order to be complete on a subject which is a fine way of sharing music and thinkings. I discovered some bands here, which I am getting to buy on the "official" market. Others I will forget and delete from the PC. Thanks.
Oup Kratuk!!!!I mean Kraut.
Bonjour Tonton Manhood !
J'ai découvert ton blog il y a deux jours et je commence à en lire et écouter le contenu avec beaucoup de plaisir !
Je ne pense pas avoir autorité sur la future orientation musicale de ce blog ! Continue sur cette voie, à nous faire découvrir tes coups de coeur : c'est ça qu'on aime !
Merci pour tout, et bonne continuation !
OOP/Rare experimental albums, like Muslimgauze etc.
The live material is also GREAT!
It's good to have more than one blogs around, I mean, when you can't find an album you're looking for like mad in one, or when the links are deleted for some reason, the other blog might pop it up out of nowhere ;) (it happened to me today, I finally found Faust's The Tapes)
I am also recently included in a progressive (and other genres of) rock blog, and started off with MG's E2-E4. check it out: silveraintr.blogspot.com
Your kraut posts are just fabulous (I'll DL AD-II Yeti, Almost Alive & Live in Germany these days, and post comments) keep up the good work; and electronic works are just fine; in the end Krautrock gave rise to that particular genre! Anything is OK as long as it's progressive!
Kraut rock rules
hey buddy..great blog. thought you might enjoy this link. I grabbed it from a blog which I've forgotten (sorry)...anyhow, it's all top 50 of Julian Cope's krautrock favorites...all rapidshare. A TON of downloads. Enjoy
here's the original blog BTW
I just discovered your blog today and I must say I really dug your reviews. After listening to the Amon Duul all day at work i have to say I could have taken your advice and skipped the late 70s albums altogether. The more modern psychedelic groups you've posted are very helpful to me as I didn't know many of them existed! Thanks for the introduction to great music!
Anthony from NYC
appreciato les live sets
the NWW was excellente!
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